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Mongolian steppe studies
Номын нэр | Холбоос | Төрөл |
A Strategy for Rangeland Management Based on Best Available Knowledge and | Татаж авах | |
ACIAR China Grasslands Proceedings 2011 pr134_pdf_11014 | Татаж авах | |
Addison_MongoliaGobidegradationassumptions_RangeJ_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Addison_PhDthesis | Татаж авах | |
Addison_PUGsrangelandconditionGobi_JAridEnv_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Addisonetal_RangelandJournal_2012 | Татаж авах | |
An international terminology for grazing lands and | Татаж авах | |
Angerer_climatechangeMongolia_Rangelands_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Ao_InnerMongoliaplantrootingdepth_JapGrassScience_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Assessment of grazing effect on sheep fescue (Festuca valesiaca) dominated steppe | Татаж авах | |
Bagan_horqin_lulc_IEEE_2010 | Татаж авах | |
Bai_InnerMongoliacommunitystability_Nature_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Bai_NPPgradientMongol_Ecology_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Baoyin_restorationLeymuschinensisInnerMongolia_REM_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Bedunah etal 2007_Rangelands of central Asia | Татаж авах | |
Big Questions Emerging from a Century of Rangeland Science and Management | Татаж авах | |
Blass_seeddispersalgrassesMongoliasteppe_JArid_2010 | Татаж авах | |
Brogaard_IMARremotesensingtrend_GPC_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Brogaard_ruralreformIMAR_Ambio_2002 | Татаж авах | |
Brogaard_ruralreformInnerMongolia_Ambio_2002 | Татаж авах | |
Cao_afforestationfailure_EnvSciTech_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Cao_Tibetlandusecontractsrangeland degradation_JAridEnv_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Characteristics of grassland | Татаж авах | |
Chen_Chinadesertsoverview_LDD_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Cheng_Mongoliagrasslanddiversitygrazingrainfall_JArid_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Chpt 1 Grasslands Grassland Sci in N China | Татаж авах | |
Chpt 5 Grasslands Grassland sci in N China | Татаж авах | |
Chpt VI Understand China | Татаж авах | |
Christensen_Steppevulnerabilityclimatechange_ClimChan_2004 | Татаж авах | |
Collective action Innovation women in Kenya | Татаж авах | |
Comparison of vegetation changes along grazing gradients with different numbers of livestock | Татаж авах | |
Conservation of Pattern and Process Developing an Alternative Paradigm of | Татаж авах | |
Curriculum Vitae Zemmrich | Татаж авах | |
Dagvadorj_MNETMongoliaClimateChangeAssessment_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Dai_graintogreenprogramMuUs_AEE_2010 | Татаж авах | |
Dietz_livestockcarryingcapacityMongolia_PREM_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Diss_Zemmrich_2_Thesis | Татаж авах | |
Dong_farmerperceptions_EnvCons_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Driving environmental factors and the role of grazing in grassland communities | Татаж авах | |
Ecological redundancy-Sasaki | Татаж авах | |
FernandezGimenez_dzudvulnerability_GEC_2012 | Татаж авах | |
FernandezGimenez_landuseMongol_2004 | Татаж авах | |
FernandezGimenez_MongolianTEK_EcoApp_2000 | Татаж авах | |
FernandezGimenez_spatialsocialboundarieslandtenureMongolia_HE_2002 | Татаж авах | |
FieldGuidePedodermPattern | Татаж авах | |
Fujita_grazingeffectsplantdiversityMongolia_JapGrassSci_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Garchinbyamba_Tuvdesertificationcuases_ForestScienceTech_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Genzu_China_landscape evolution | Татаж авах | |
Gimemez_Mongolialandlaw_Dev_2004 | Татаж авах | |
Grand Challenges for Resilience-Based Management of Rangelands | Татаж авах | |
Grassland degradation in China Methods of monitoring | Татаж авах | |
Grazing Intensity on Vegetation Dynamics of a Typical Steppe in Northeast | Татаж авах | |
grazing management | Татаж авах | |
Han_Chinadegradation_restoration_RangeJ_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Han_Horqintrend_EnvEarth_2010 | Татаж авах | |
Harris_rangelanddegradationQuinhaiTibetanplateau_JAridEnv_2010 | Татаж авах | |
Heavy grazing constraints on foraging behavior of (2) | Татаж авах | |
Heavy grazing constraints on foraging behavior of | Татаж авах | |
Hilker_MongoliagrazingdesertificationMODIS_GCB_2014 | Татаж авах | |
HilkerForestrySatelliteObservedWidespread | Татаж авах | |
Ho_Chinadegradation_JDev_stud_2001 | Татаж авах | |
Ho_desertificationmythChina_ModChina_2000 | Татаж авах | |
Hoshino_Mongoliagrazinggradient_JAridEnv_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Hou_perceptionadaptationdesertsteppeInnerMongolia_RangeJ_2012 | Татаж авах | |
How Can Science Be General, Yet Specific The Conundrum of Rangeland Science in the | Татаж авах | |
Hu_remotesensingchangeinrangelands1998-2007InnerMongolia_RangeJ_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Huang_remotesensingHorqin_ISPRS_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Identifying Rangeland Restoration Targets An Appraisal of Challenges and Opportunities | Татаж авах | |
Impact of Land Subdivision and Sedentarization on Wildlife in Kenya's Southern | Татаж авах | |
Increasing Shrub Use by Livestock in a World with Less Grass | Татаж авах | |
Indicators of grazing impact in Inner Mongolian steppe ecosystems | Татаж авах | |
Indree_fireMongoliansteppe_IFFN_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Introduced and Invasive Species in Novel Rangeland Ecosystems Friends or Foes | Татаж авах | |
IR-98-044 | Татаж авах | |
Is Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change Necessary in Grazed Rangelands | Татаж авах | |
Joly_spatialheterogeneitygrazingmovementsGobi_JArid_2013 | Татаж авах | |
KachergisMFGRocca2012DiffinPlantSpCompasEvidenceforAltStates | Татаж авах | |
Kakinuma_degradationperceptionherders_NomPeop_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Kakinuma_grazingimpactMandalgovi_JGrassscience_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Kemp_innovativegrasslandsystemsIMAR_PNAS_inpress | Татаж авах | |
Keshkamat_Mongoliaroads_Ambio_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Klaus Kellner - Semi-arid Savanna rangeland degradation and management | Татаж авах | |
Land use change and carbon cycle in arid and semi-arid | Татаж авах | |
Leisher_communitybasedmanagementMongolia_PLOS1_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Li_ChinanaturalrestoreEnvCons_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Li_governmentinterventionInnerMongolia_E&S_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Li_humanversusclimatevegetationchangeXilingol_LandEcol_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Li_Huntsinger_Chinagrasslandcontract_E&S_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Li_LandsatdesertificationXilingol_IEEE_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Li_spatialanalysisdegradationXilinhotplateau_RegEnvChange_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Li_Tenggerrestoration_RE_2004 | Татаж авах | |
Li_xilingol_prop_rights_JEnMa_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Liancourt_climatechangenorthernMongolia_Ecology_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Liang_Cleistogenesecology_JAppEcol_2002 | Татаж авах | |
Liang_IMARChifenggrazingresponses_REM_2009 | Татаж авах | |
LiHuntinger_chinagrazingpolicyfeedback_E&S_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Lioubimtseva_centralAsiaclimatechangeadaptation_JAridEnv_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Liu_chinaglobalization_Nature_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Liu-chinabodiversity | Татаж авах | |
Lkhagvadorj_ForestSteppeAltainomadism_JAridEnv_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Marin_Mongoliarainpatchiness_GEC_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Measuring the Impacts of Community | Татаж авах | |
MillerSheehy_Lattimore_NomadicPeoples_2008 | Татаж авах | |
MongoliaEcosystemChapter | Татаж авах | |
Mu_InnerMongoliachangeNPP1985-2009_RangeJ_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Nandintsetseg_Hovegolclimate_IntJClim_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Natalie-Grasslands | Татаж авах | |
Natural recovery of steppe vegetation on vehicle tracks in | Татаж авах | |
Nelson_APLPJ_GrasslandlawChina_2006 | Татаж авах | |
Okayasu_nonequilibriumequilibriumdistinctionsMongolia_REM_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Okayasu_socialvegetationchangeMongolia_LDD_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Okayasu_unpalatableforbpatchiness_PlantEcol_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Opportunities for Increasing Utility of Models for Rangeland Management | Татаж авах | |
Patterns of floristic composition under different grazing intensities in Bulgan, South gobi, mongolia | Татаж авах | |
Peter_RailwaycomparisonMongoliasteppe_report | Татаж авах | |
PhD thesis Batkhishig | Татаж авах | |
Plant communities of the Gobi Gurvan Sayhan National Park | Татаж авах | |
plant survival in South MGL | Татаж авах | |
Positive and negative effects of livestock grazing on plant | Татаж авах | |
RailwayPastureDegradationStudy | Татаж авах | |
Range Education in the 21st Century Striking the Balance to | Татаж авах | |
Rangeland degradation in Kazakhstan during the | Татаж авах | |
Rangeland degradation on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau A review of the evidence | Татаж авах | |
Rangeland Degradation, Poverty | Татаж авах | |
Rangeland, Livestock and Herders | Татаж авах | |
Reeves_ASTERMongolia_rmrs_p039_120_127 | Татаж авах | |
Relationships between climate, productivity and vegetation in southern | Татаж авах | |
Revolutionary Land Use Change in the 21st Century Is (Rangeland) Science Relevant | Татаж авах | |
Ronnenberg_germinationecologyStipa_PLantEcol_2008 | Татаж авах | |
Runnstrom_chinadesertification_Ambio_2000 | Татаж авах | |
Sankey_grazingregimeshiftMongolia_REM_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki et al_ (2005) Patterns of floristic composition under different grazing | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki et al_ (2008a) Can edaphic factors demonstrate landscape-scale | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki et al_ (2008b) Blackwell Publishing Threshold changes in vegetation along | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki et al_ (2009a) Management applicability of the intermediate disturbance | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_functionalredundancygrazinggradientMongolia_Ecol_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_grazingrecoveryMongolia_ALRM_2013.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_indicatorspeciesthresholdsMongolia_PlantEcology_2011.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_longtermexclosurerainfall_JAridEnv_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_MongoliaIDHecosite_EcoApp_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sasaki_Mongolthresholds_JEcol_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sheehy_InnerMongoliarangelands_RMRS_2006.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Shou-Li Li_seasonalgrazingeffectsCaraganaIMAR_JAppEcol_2013.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Shurentuya_MSthesis_CSU_2006.doc | Татаж авах | |
Spatial pattern of grazing affects influence of herbivore_tarvaga.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Spatial perspectives in state-and-transition models.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Sternberg_grazingpressureNDVIGobi_Trans BritGeog_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Teng_Horqindegradationmechanisms_FESEC_2008.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Testing a non-equilibrium model of rangeland vegetation.pdf | Татаж авах | |
The effect of grazing management on plant species.pdf | Татаж авах | |
The Elusive Promise of Social-Ecological Approaches to Rangeland Management.pdf | Татаж авах | |
The impact of herbivores in a Mongolian forest steppe_HNP.pdf | Татаж авах | |
The Range Problem’’ After a Century of Rangeland Science New Research Themes for.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Threshold changes in vegetation along a grazing gradient in Mongolian rangelands.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Threshold Concepts and Their Use in Rangeland Management and Restoration.docx | Татаж авах | |
Tong_ChinaLandscapeassess_JAridEnv_2004.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Two phase functional redundancy in plant communities along gradients in mongolian.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Uur amisgal_2009_Mongolia.pdf | Татаж авах | |
van Staalduinen_herbivoryMongolianforeststeppe_ThesisUtrecht_2005.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Vegetation pattern variation, soil degradation and their relationship.pdf | Татаж авах | |
vonWehrden_Mongoliarainfallvariability_JAridEnv_2011.pdf | Татаж авах | |
vonWehrden_NPPMongoliandesertsteppe_DrylandResearch_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wan_grazingmanagementsystemeffectsInnerMongolia_PlantSoil_2011.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wang_Chinadesertifreview_EarthScience_2008.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wang_Chinaforestry_Science_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wang_stockingratepeakstandingcropdesertsteppeChina_EnvManage_inpress.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wang_stockingratesheepperformancedesertsteppeInnerMongolia_REM_2011.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wesche_herbivoreexclusionsouthernMongolia_ActaOec_2010.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wesche_Mongoliadesertsteppevegetation_Thesis_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wesche_plantcommunitiesGobiGurvanSayhanNP_Condollea_2005.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Wesche_Retzer_Degradation_final.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Williams_desertinterpretationsHorquin_ModChina_1997.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Williams_dunesandMongol_HumEcol_1997.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Williams_exclosures_HumanOrg_1996.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Xiao_InterannualNPPXilin_JAridE_1995.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Xiao_XilinClimatechange_JBiogeog_1995.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Xu_LandsatdegradationassessOrdos_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yang_Chinadesertoverview_JAridEnv_2005.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yang_groupsizeeffectsoncollcetiveaction_PNAS_2013.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yang_Wu_knowledgedrivenchangeChinadesertification_JEM_2013.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yonghong_restorationLeymuschinensisInnerMongolia_RE_2008.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yoshihara et al_ (2009).pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yoshihara et al_ (2010).pdf | Татаж авах | |
Yoshihara_pastureconditioneffectonforagingcost_JapGrassSci_2009.pdf | Татаж авах | |
zemmrich_badr2007_1.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_grazinggradientArtemisiasteppeMongolia_DrylandResearch_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_HBPGL_08.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_KhovdMongoliareview_HBPGL_2008.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_Mongoliaplantsdb_FoliaGeob_2013.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_Mongoliavegetationcommunities_04.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_Phytocoeno_2010.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemmrich_westMongoliagrazinggradients_JAridEnv_2010.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zemrich -exclosure.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhang_carryingcapacityChinagrasslands_RangeJ_2014.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhang_Horquinrestore_JAridEnv_2004.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhang_Horquinsuccession_JAridEnv_2005.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhang_mongolnomad_EcolEcon_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhao_chinades_JAE_2005.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zhao_shrubfacilitationrestoreHorqin_EcolEng_2007.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zheng_Chinadesert_JARidEnv_2006.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zukosky_Altaigrazingpolicy_JPolSci_2006.pdf | Татаж авах | |
Zuo_Horquinsandylanddesterificationgradient_EnvGeol_2009.pdf | Татаж авах |