Монгол орны бэлчээрийн төлөв байдал
- Монгол орны бэлчээрийн үндэсний тайлан I
- Монгол орны бэлчээрийн үндэсний тайлан II
- Монгол орны бэлчээрийн сэргэх чадавхийн зураглал
Монгол орны бэлчээрийн төлөв байдлын цэгэн зураглал-2018
Rangeland monitoring dot map-2018
Түвшин I. Лавлагаа (бага зэрэг өөрчлөгдсөн) төлөв байдал. Бага зэргийн өөрчлөлт нь 1-3 ургалтын хугацаанд сэргэнэ. The plant community is at or near reference conditions (non-degraded) or requires 1-3 growing seasons for recovery from minor changes (slightly degraded); match stocking rate to forage supply and use temporary seasonal deferment as needed.
Түвшин II. Маш богино хугацаанд (3-5 ургалтын хугацаан) сэргэнэ. The plant community is altered and may be rapidly recovered (3-5 growing seasons) with favorable climatic conditions or a change in management (e.g., stocking rate reduction, seasonal deferment, rotation). The nature of alteration is not regarded as a significant long-term threat to the provision of forage and other ecosystem services.
Түвшин III. Сэргэх боломжтой, 5-10 жил шаардагдана. Экосистемийн үйлчлэлүүд нэлээд алдагдсан. The plant community is altered and may take 5-10 growing seasons to recover with changed management (stocking rate reduction, seasonal deferment, and long-term rest). Alteration represents a significant loss of important ecosystem services (and are clearly related to anthropogenic drivers), but recovery is possible in time.
Түвшин IV. Унаган зүйл ургамлууд устаж, түрэгч ургамал нэмэгдэнэ. Ус зүйн өөрчлөлтийн улмаас нөхөн сэргээлтийн арга хэмжээ авахгүйгээр сэргэх боломж муу. 10-ххс дээш жил шаардлагатай. The plant community is altered due to the local loss of key plant species, invasion of noxious plant species, or alteration of hydrology that is unlikely to be recovered for over a decade to many decades without intensive interventions such as species removal, seeding, or manipulations to recover historical hydrological function (i.e. an ecological threshold was crossed). Previous ecosystem services have been lost and are usually costly to recover.
Түвшин V. Хөрсний алдагдал, давсжилт, элэгдэл эвдрэл хүчтэй илэрсэн. Унаган төлөвт нь оруулах боломжгүй. Цөлжсөн. The plant community is altered due to extensive soil loss, accelerated erosion rates, or salinization. Altered plant-soil feedbacks or permanent changes in the soil profile maintain the degraded state. Previous ecosystem services have been lost and it is usually impractical to recover them (often regarded as true desertification).