12083 Phelps 2002 |
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A critical review of degradation assumptions applied to Mongolia's Gobi Desert |
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A new approach to grassland management in the arid Aletai region in northern China |
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An integrated framework for science-based |
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CALE_Reports_No 1__Research_Project_of_Mongolian_Land_Law_2008_mfg6 29 08 |
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DKCRC-Report-4-ACRIS-National-Synthesis-Pilot-Regions |
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Do pasture user groups lead to improved rangeland condition in the Mongolian |
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Ecological site description |
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Ecological site description_Sandy.loam.MLRA18 |
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Ecological site description_Stony.Loamy |
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Ecological site inventory |
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EcologicalSitesNRCSPlanningConservationProcess_Moseley_SRM2012 |
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Historical and Modern Disturbance Regimes, Stand Structures, and Landscape |
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Institutional settings, herder livehoods and rangeland comdition in the Gobi Desert |
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InteragencyESDHandbook_final |
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Land Management in the American Southwest A |
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Mongolia's rangelands is livestock production the key to the future |
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Perspectives_on_livestock_production_systems_in_China |
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Recommendations for Development of Resilience-Based State-and-Transition Models |
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RedSandyLoamESD |
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State-and-Transition Models for Heterogeneous Landscapes |
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The dynamic penetrometer for assessment of soil mechanical resistance |
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Test Pdf |
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