Нэвтрэх хэсэг
Энэхүү агуулга нь зөвхөн бүртгэлтэй хэрэглэгчид үзэх эрхтэй бөгөөд та заавал нэвтэрсэн байх шаардлагатай
State and transition model
Номын нэр | Холбоос | Төрөл |
A conceptual model of arid rangeland degradation | Татаж авах | |
A unified framework for assessment and application of ecological thresholds | Татаж авах | |
Aguilera_STM_Pampa_Ecotropicos_1998 | Татаж авах | |
Ales_SpainmediterraneansavannaSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Application of soil quality to monitoring and management- paradigms from rangeland ecology. | Татаж авах | |
Barrera_SierradelaVentanaLaPampaSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Bertiller Bisigato_STM Patagonian steppe_EcoAust_1998 | Татаж авах | |
Bestelmeyer_Grand Challenges for Resilience-Based Management of Rangeland | Татаж авах | |
Bestelmeyer_Twidwell rebuttal_Rangelands_2015 | Татаж авах | |
Briske_STMrangehealthsynthesis_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Briske_vegdyn_JAppEcol_2003 | Татаж авах | |
Brooks_fire_Mojave_shrublands_2007 | Татаж авах | |
Brooks_Matchett_Mojave_wildfire_2006 | Татаж авах | |
Brown_lowoutputsystemsthresholds_CanFor_1999 | Татаж авах | |
Carr_ponderosapineSTM_Dissertation | Татаж авах | |
Casado_mountainDehesagrasslandSpainSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Czembor_quantifyingvarianceSTM predictions_JAppEcol_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Davies_sagebrushsteppefireSTM_EcoApp_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Development and use of state-and-transition models for | Татаж авах | |
Hanberry_MissouriOzarksstatetransitionwoody_Ecosystems_inpress | Татаж авах | |
Hemstrom_SagebrushST_ConsBiol_2002 | Татаж авах | |
HuschleHironaka_conemodelsuccession_JRM_1980 | Татаж авах | |
Jackson_CARTSTM_PlantEcol_2002 | Татаж авах | |
James_drylandrestorationmodelsSTMcritique_JAppEcol_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Kachergis_multidisciplinarySTMColorado_E&S_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Knapp_rancherSTM_REM_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Knapp_STMrancherknowledge_REM_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Land management in the American Southwest- a state-and-transition approach to ecosystem complexity | Татаж авах | |
Laycock_stable states rangeland condition_JRM_1991 | Татаж авах | |
LeonBurkart_floodedpampaSTM_Ecotropicos_1998 | Татаж авах | |
LetnicDickman_resources pulses and mammals STM_BiolRev_2009 | Татаж авах | |
Lopez_structurefunctionSTMAppVegSci_2011 | Татаж авах | |
McIlwee_SouthAustraliaaridlandSTM_RangeJ_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Meirelles_BrazilcerradoSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Menghi_MarChiquitafloodplainSTM_Ecotropicos_1998 | Татаж авах | |
Miller_alternativestatesColoradoPlateau_Ecosphere_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Multi-state succession in wetlands- a novel use of state and transition models | Татаж авах | |
Oba_sustainablegrazingsubsaharanAfrica_BioScience_2000 | Татаж авах | |
ok_A multi-scale classification of vegetation dynamics in arid lands- What is the right scale for models_ monitoring_ and restoration | Татаж авах | |
Oliva_stablestatesinPatagonia_JAridEnv_1998 | Татаж авах | |
PAPANASTASIS_greekSTM_IJPS_2005 | Татаж авах | |
Paruelo_secuenciasdedeteriroPatagonia_INTA-GTZ_1993 | Татаж авах | |
PBooklet_PCord | Татаж авах | |
PereiradaSilva_hyperseasonalsavannaLlanosVenezuelaSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
phillips_2010_predicting_modes_of_spatial_change_from_STMs | Татаж авах | |
phillips_2011_structure_of_state_transitions | Татаж авах | |
Plant traits in a state and transition framework as markers of ecosystem response to land-use change | Татаж авах | |
Pucheta_mountaingrasslandCordobaSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Recommendations for development of resilience-based state-and-transition models | Татаж авах | |
Sarmiento_VenezuelanLlanosSTM_Ecotropicos_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Seabloom_inasviveannualperennialgrassesCalifornia_PNAS_2003 | Татаж авах | |
Stable states and thresholds of range condition on North American rangelands a viewpoint | Татаж авах | |
State and transition modeling- an ecological process approach | Татаж авах | |
State and transition modeling An ecological process | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 1. Successional theory and vegetation change | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 2. Ecology as a basis for rangeland management- performance criteria for testing models | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 4. Application of state and transition models to rangelands in northern Australia | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 5. The use of state and transition models for predicting vegetation change in rangelands | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 6. State and transition models as aids to communication between scientists and land managers | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 7. Building a state and transition model for management and research on rangelands | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 8. A state and transition model for the northern speargrass zone | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 10. A state and transition model for the southern black speargrass zone of Queensland | Татаж авах | |
State and transition models for rangelands. 13. A state and transition model for the mulga zone of south-west Queensland | Татаж авах | |
State-and-transition models for heterogeneous landscapes- a strategy for development and application | Татаж авах | |
State-and-Transition Models for Heterogeneous Landscapes | Татаж авах | |
State-and-transition models, thresholds, and rangeland health- a synthesis of ecological concepts and perspectives | Татаж авах | |
State-and-Transition Models, Thresholds, and Rangeland Health | Татаж авах | |
Staver_treecoverrainfallfirealternativestates_Ecology_2011 | Татаж авах | |
STMDevelopment_Stringham_SRM2012 | Татаж авах | |
STMs Handout | Татаж авах | |
Stringham_S&T_2003 | Татаж авах | |
ThomasnTwyman_S&T_LDD_2004 | Татаж авах | |
Threshold concepts and their use in rangeland management and restoration-the good_ the bad_and the insidious | Татаж авах | |
Trueman_STM Galapagos novel ecosystems_BiolCons_2014 | Татаж авах | |
Twidwell_ESDSTMcritique_Ecosphere_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Twidwell_firethresholdsJuniper_JAppEcol_2013 | Татаж авах | |
Using a state-and-transition approach to manage endangered Eucalyptus albens (White Box) woodlands | Татаж авах | |
Vegetation dynamics on rangelands- a critique of the current paradigms | Татаж авах | |
vonWerden_nonequilibriumconcept_EcoApp_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Walker and Westoby_STMs_Noy-Meir special issue_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Walker_S&T_NZJEcol_1997 | Татаж авах | |
Watson_WARMSstatetransition_RangeJ_2012 | Татаж авах | |
Williams_songbirdESDSTM_REM_2011 | Татаж авах | |
Zweig09Ecol-141-ModWetlSuccession | Татаж авах |